Seattle University
Books (Author/Editor)
Books (Chapter Contributor)
Mathematics Research Papers
Knots, Virtual Knots, Pseudoknots & Knotoids
Coordinate Knots, joint with S. Kutty and G. Tan. To appear in Involve, 2024.
Petal Projections, Knot Colorings & Determinants, joint with R. Truax. Involve, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2022.
Virtual Mosaic Knot Theory, joint with S. Ganzell. J. Knot Theor. Ramif., Vol. 29, No. 14, 2020.
Knots Related by Knotoids, joint with C. Adams, K. Kearney, and N. Scoville. Amer. Math. Monthly, Vol. 126, No. 6, 2019.
Knot Fertility and Lineage, joint with J. Cantarella, E. Magness, O. O'Keefe, K. Perez, E. Rawdon, and B. Zimmer. J. Knot Theor. Ramif., Vol. 26, No. 13, 2017.
Tangle Insertion Invariants for Pseudoknots, Singular Knots, and Rigid Vertex Spatial Graphs, joint with L. Kauffman. in Knot Theoretic Structures & Spatial Graphs, AMS, Providence, RI, 2017.
The Signed Weighted Resolution Set is Not a Complete Pseudoknot Invariant joint with S. Jablan and I. Johnson. J. Knot Theor. Ramif., Vol. 25, No. 9, 2016.
Isotopy and Homotopy Invariants of Classical and Virtual Pseudoknots, joint with F. Dorais, S. Jablan, and I. Johnson. Osaka J. Math., Vol. 52, No. 2, 2015.
Minimal Diagrams of Free Knots, joint with T. Boothby and A. Leaf. J. Knot Theor. Ramif., Vol. 23, No. 6, 2014.
On the Coloring of Pseudoknots, joint with S. Jablan. J. Knot Theor. Ramif., Vol. 23, No. 12, 2014.
Unknotting Unknots, joint with L. Kauffman. Amer. Math. Monthly, Vol. 121, No. 5, 2014.
The Theory of Pseudoknots, joint with R. Hoberg, S. Jablan, L. Johnson, E. Minten, and L. Radovic. J. Knot Theor. Ramif., Vol. 22, No. 4, 2013.
Polynomial Knot and Link Invariants from the Virtual Biquandle, joint with A. Crans and S. Nelson. J. Knot Theor. Ramif., Vol. 22, No. 4, 2013.
Classical and Virtual Pseudodiagram Theory and New Bounds on Unknotting Numbers and Genus, joint with N. MacNaughton, S. Narayan, O. Pechenik, and J. Townsend. J. Knot Theor. Ramif., Vol. 20, No. 4, 2011.
Semiquandles and Flat Virtual Knots, joint with S. Nelson. Pacific J. Math., Volume 248, No. 1, 2010.
A Sequence of Degree One Vassiliev Invariants for Virtual Knots, J. Knot Theor. Ramif., Vol. 19, No. 4, 2010.
Games on Knots & Links
The KnotLink Game on Families of Whitehead and Pretzel Links, with H. Adams, M. Christensen, B. Friedel, and D. Neel. Under review, 2024.
Arc Unknotting Game, with C. Cericola, J. Curry, and M. Rask. To appear in College Math. J., 2024.
KNOTRIS: A Game Inspired by Knot Theory, with A. Ionescu, B. Mathews, I. Ortega, and K. Tesfaye. Math Horizons, Vol. 28, No. 2, 2021.
The Region Smoothing Swap Game, joint with I. Johnson and J. Ostroff. Osaka J. Math., Vol. 58, No. 1, 2021.
The KnotLink Game, joint with H. Adams and S. Stoll. PUMP J. Undergrad. Research, Vol. 3, 2020.
Region Unknotting Game, joint with S. Brown, F. Cabrera, R. Evans, G. Gibbs, and J. Kreinbihl. Math. Mag., Vol. 90, No. 5, 2017.
The Link Smoothing Game, joint with I. Johnson. AKCE Int. J. Graphs Comb., Vol. 9, No. 2, 2012.
A Knot Game with not KNerds, with M. Cohen. Math Horizons, Vol. 20, No. 2, 2012.
A Midsummer Knot's Dream, joint with N. MacNaughton, S. Narayan, O. Pechenik, R. Silversmith, and J. Townsend. College Math. J., Vol. 42, No. 2, 2011.
Ethnomathematics Research Papers
A global cross-cultural analysis of string figures reveals evidence of deep transmission and innovation, joint with R. O. Kaaronen, M. J. Walsh, I. Wisher, E. Miu, M. A. Manninen, J. T. Eronen, and F. Riede. To appear in J. R. Soc. Interface, 2024.
The ties that bind: Computational, cross-cultural analyses of knots reveal their cultural evolutionary history and significance, joint with R. O. Kaaronen, M. A. Manninen, M. J. Walsh, I. Wisher, J. T. Eronen, and F. Riede.
Educational Research Papers
Reducing Math Anxiety: Findings from Incorporating Service Learning into a Quantitative Reasoning Course at Seattle University, joint with K. Lee. Numeracy, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2011.
Service Learning in a Quantitative Reasoning Course, joint with J. Anderson. Peer Review (a publication of the AAC&U), Vol. 16, No. 3, 2014.
Improving Student Success in Calculus at Seattle University, joint with J. Carter, D. Helliwell, M. Principe, and M. Sloughter. PRIMUS, Vol. 26, No. 2, 2015.
Addressing Negative Math Attitudes with Service-Learning, joint with J. M. Sloughter, J. Anderson, and E. Bahuaud. PRIMUS, Vol. 26, No. 8, 2016.
Successfully Mentoring Undergraduates in Research: A How To Guide for Mathematicians, joint with M. Dorff and L. Pudwell. PRIMUS, Vol. 27, No. 3, 2017.
Artist Interviews
Veronika Irvine: The Art and Mathematics of Making Bobbin Lace, Math. Mag., Vol. 91, No. 4, 2018.
Publication | Veronika's Artist Page
Robert Bosch: From Dominos To Traveling Salespeople, Math. Mag., Vol. 92, No. 4, 2019.
Publication | Robert's Artist Page
Henry Segerman: Visualizing Topology, Math. Mag., Vol. 93, No. 4, 2020.
John Edmark: Art in Motion, Math. Mag., Vol. 94, No. 1, 2021